Avyakt BapDada 9th October 1971

    With what aim has this gathering come together? There is, of course, benefit in a gathering, but what is the aim of meeting together? Have you thought of any new plans? This gathering is of the most elevated souls, and the souls who are close. Everyone’s vision is on the souls who are close and elevated. So the elevated souls have to think about how to bring greatness and newness into the gathering, and into their service. Newness means creating such easy yet powerful plans, that souls are attracted from a distance by that power. For example, no matter how far away moths are, the attraction of the flame is able to draw those moths. Similarly, if there is an intense fire burning somewhere, you can experience its heat from a distance: you understand there is a fire there, and you are attracted to it. In the same way, make your form - and the form of service - such, that souls are attracted from a distance, and come close. Just as, when something spreads into the atmosphere, its influence spreads for quite some distance, in the same way, all the easy yogis and elevated souls should make their atmosphere so spiritual that that spirituality pulls other souls towards them.

What is the main method to create an atmosphere? You have to create the atmosphere through your attitude. The foundation of the atmosphere is your attitude. Until you make your attitude powerful, there cannot be spirituality in the atmosphere, nor the expansion in service that you desire. If the seed is powerful, the tree is also powerful. Attitude is the seed, and you can bring about progress in yourself, and in service, through that. The basis of expansion is attitude.

For your attitude to become powerful, you have to fill it with just one thing: let there be mercy and benefit for every soul. By having this attitude for all souls, your vibrations of mercy and benefit will automatically reach those souls. How does the sound of the radio reach you? It catches the vibrations in the atmosphere - it catches the vibrations through the wireless. Through science, all of them can catch one another’s sound, and can hear it. That is through the wireless, and this is through spiritual power. This happens if your attitude is powerful. So whatever vibrations are spread by your attitude, those souls will experience them as clearly as the sound of the radio is heard when you switch it on. Nowadays you can catch the act, as well as the sound, very clearly through television. In the same way you can now do a lot of service through attitude. Through a television or radio station, that sound spreads so far into all directions from the one place. In the same way, there should be so much power in your attitude that the vibrations should reach far into the distance from wherever you may be sitting: however powerful your stage is, the vibrations will reach that far. In this way, to whatever extent each soul’s attitude is powerful, that soul will attract other souls from all four directions. This service is now needed.

Words and attitude should go together. But what happens? When you do service through your attitude, you do not use words... and when you do service through words, power is lacking in your attitude. So what should it be? Nowadays, in the cinema and on TV, they have the act and the sound at the same time. If you have this practice, there can be service through both words and attitude at the same time. By speaking too much, you are not able to make the atmosphere as powerful as you can through your attitude. The power of words alone only lasts for as long as they are personally in front of you, or close to you. Attitude is more subtle than words, and so there is a greater influence from that which is subtle. There will be less influence through the gross form. So, as well as the gross power, there should also be subtle power. From both powers, the attitude should reveal something unique.

At present there is not a great deal of difference visible. If both types of soul are present on one stage, the public should be able to see a great difference. If you observe this as a detached observer, are you able to see a great difference? When something is very powerful, it is not affected by other things. Here too, on a physical stage, if you have a powerful subtle stage, then no matter how powerfully others speak, they cannot influence the atmosphere. There is the memorial of an arrow which had been shot, being broken and destroyed on its way. You can make the atmosphere powerful through your attitude.

At present, in some cases, because your stage is not sufficiently powerful, there is the influence of other souls on your own stage and atmosphere. Why? What is the reason for this? You are not able to spread a net of spirituality over other souls through your attitude. When you want to catch a particular soul, you have to surround him in such a way that he is not able to escape. When the net of spirituality is thrown into the atmosphere, through your attitude, no soul is able to escape from the spiritual attraction. People are used to seeing miracles these days, and so you now need to do such service. Everyone thinks that someone should show some miracles, but, instead of miracles, here you have to show wonders. They have miracles through occult powers, whereas you people show wonders through your attitude. Now, people should definitely experience some specialty from whoever shows wonders.

However, what happens instead is that, in some cases, you note the temporary influence of souls, and see how they do certain things, and how they speak. Because your vision is drawn elsewhere, the force of your own authority weakens. This is a very subtle law. You have promised that you will only have the One in your attitude, you will only listen to One, only see One, and only think about One, and none other. If you allow the influence of other souls on your intellect, it breaks your link in a subtle way. In the beginning you were the intoxicated beggars and wandering yogis. You were very powerful in revealing the power of your knowledge. Because of your having that power, the first creation was powerful. Is the creation now as powerful as the first creation? No matter how much zeal there is now, the creation now is not so powerful as the first creation was. Day by day you are becoming more experienced in knowledge, but do you also still have the powerful stage that existed from the beginning? Do you have that fearlessness? Do you have those words of authority that they had in the beginning?

People refine things very much and, as they become refined, these things become powerless. Do the things of today, that have been refined, have the same force? Here too, the form of knowledge has been refined, and your tact has been refined, but force is lacking. If you remember the earlier days, how much intoxication did they have? It wasn’t the attraction of knowledge, but there was an attraction on their forehead and in their eyes. People would experience from their eyes that “these people that have come here belong to God”. Now, because everything is mixed, you also appear to be mixed. Anything that is mixed gives a very good taste for a short period, but it does not have any strength. For example, chutney is so tasty, but it does not have any power. The taste buds of the tongue are attracted by it for a temporary period. So here too, when you mix everything, they enjoy listening to it for a short period, but there is no power in that. Anything nourishing increases your energy, and that energy becomes your companion for all time. In this way, words of authority and originality make souls into forms of power for all time. Those who just present an entertaining or mixed form only create interest in other souls for a temporary period.

Do you have to create interest in souls, or fill them with power? What do you have to do? Power will continue to attract them for all time. However, if they are just temporarily interested, then when they hear of something else, their interest will be diverted. So now become such wandering yogis. You should feel like those saints, who after staying in their caves for a long time, come into the world for service. When you go onto a stage, others should experience that you souls have been in the cave of introversion and spirituality for a long time, and you have now come out for service. Your form of tapasya should be visible. The lines of unlimited renunciation should be visible on your face. When someone has even a little disinterest, his sparkle reveals that he has disinterest in everything. So the attitude of unlimited disinterest should be visible in you.

When you go onto a stage for service, your face should be experienced as a projector. One by one they continue to change slides in that, and people observe them with so much attention. That scene is very clearly visible. When you go onto a stage for service, the face of each of you should be seen to be like a projector. The virtue of being merciful should be visible on your face. You are those who have unlimited disinterest, and so the lines of unlimited disinterest should be clearly visible on your faces. You have been made instruments by the Almighty Authority, and so the form of authority should be visible. Slides are inserted into a projector, and then they are shown clearly one by one. In the same way, each sanskar of all the power and all the virtues with which you souls are filled, should be clearly visible from your faces. This is called service.

You saw the example of sakar Baba: you had the practical vison of every virtue from his face. So, follow the father. No matter with what authority someone comes, or whatever mood they come in, what can they do in front of those who have the personality of virtues, the personality of spirituality, and the personality of all powers? They will bow down. They will not be able to spread their influence. Due to you making the atmosphere powerful with your attitude, their attitude and internal vibrations will change.

Everyone used to speak of the power of attitude. You saw the practical proof of the authority of words and attitude, and so you should follow that. The final form is that of power. When any soul comes to you, you first of all adopt the form of love, of a world mother. However, when that soul begins to move along and to face Maya, then in order to help them face Maya and to become co-operative, you also have to adopt the form of power. Where instrument souls are just embodiments of love, their creation has very little power to face problems. They will have love, and be co-operative with the yagya and divine family, but they will not be able to face problems. The reason for this is that the creator (instrument soul) influences the creation. In order to move souls further forward, you special instrument souls must fill them with powerfrom your own form of power. At present the majority of souls do not move forwards: they do not move backwards, nor are they stuck or trapped anywhere, but they do not have any power. To be able to take a jump, they need extra force. A rocket is filled with force and is then sent very high. So, you now need to sustain souls. Due to their lack of power they are unable to take a jump. So the special souls have to fill those souls with special power, to enable them to take a high jump. They wish this - they are making effort - but there now has to be force.

How will you give that force? When you yourself first have the force that you need to make yourself move forward, you will then be able to donate power. Just as you donate knowledge, so you now have to donate the force of power. You now have to perform the task of being a bestower of blessings. You have given a lot of knowledge as a bestower of knowledge. You now have to become a bestower of the blessing of power. This is why people always ask goddesses for blessings. How will they receive success from the goddesses? What service do you now have to do? Become embodiments that grant blessings, and give blessings of all powers to your creation, those for whom you are instruments. The special souls who have become instruments can do this service to a greater extent. This is a group of special souls.

As you were told, it is very easy to become a mike - many will become mikes - but the service of all of you is to fill with might. This is needed now. Now is not the time to remain engrossed in effort on yourself. Now is the time to be revealed through your own effort, and to create an impact. That impact will automatically attract souls.

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